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Advocating for the Metering Industry

In 2014, the Electrotechnical unit in the dtic conducted extensive industry research work on the localization of residential electricity prepayment, post-paid and smart meters, which led to the designation of these products at local content thresholds of between 50-70% where the state and its entities is the procurer. This is according to the mandate of the dtic which is derived from the Preferential Procurement Regulations.


In May 2017, the designation of residential water meters was also approved at a 40% local content threshold. The designation of these metering products was approved based on the existing local production capacity and capabilities in South Africa, which in turn will ensure the growth of the two sub-sectors and create much needed jobs. Since the designation of both residential electricity and water meters, direct and indirect employment has been created and this further benefited the component manufacturing industries.


The current success within these two sub-sectors gives the Department more reasons to support the electricity and water metering sectors, hence the establishment of an independent, voluntary association called the South African Metering Industry Association a couple of years back. The Department coordinates the association and acts as the secretariat. The association meets on a quartely basis and elects new leadership annually. The elected leadership engages with various industries, government and other stakeholder participants on industry related topics to fulfil the mandate of the association, with clear parameters in place with regards to competitive behaviour.

Elected SAMIA Leadership

Elected Leadership


Chairperson of SAMIA

Matsotso Vuso is the current elected Chairperson of the South African Metering Industry Association for the 2023/2024 financial year.




Deputy chairperson of SAMIA

Bertie Brits is the current elected Deputy Chairperson of the South African Metering Industry Association for the 2023/2024 financial year.


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