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Established and coordinated by the Department of Trade Industry and Competition
About Us
In 2014, the Electrotechnical unit in the DTIC conducted extensive industry research work on the localization of residential electricity prepayment, post-paid and smart meters, which led to the designation of these products at local content thresholds of between 50-70% where the state and its entities is the procurer. This is according to the mandate of the dtic which is derived from the Preferential Procurement Regulations.
In May 2017, the designation of residential water meters was also approved at a 40% local content threshold. The designation of these metering products was approved based on the existing local production capacity and capabilities in South Africa, which in turn will ensure the growth of the two sub-sectors and create much needed jobs.

We encourage all industry participants to join the association. The association will also be made up of DTIC officials, who will be required to attend all quarterly meetings. Membership in this association will be free. All members of the SAMIA will be expected to attend all meetings organized by the DTIC.
The DTIC will have at least one meeting per quarter – however, if there is an urgent need for a meeting that requires the attention of all members, that will be communicated and organized accordingly.
Accreditation & Certification
For any metering industry related information you would like to bring to SAMIA's attention, you can fill in the form below or email:
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